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Donnerstag, Juni 16, 2005

200506-6: Siemens name to disappear by December?

BenQ, the Taiwanese handset manufacturer that has agreed to acquire the loss making operations of German rival Siemens Mobile, will stop selling Siemens branded phones from September, according to a number of German newspapers. As part of the deal, BenQ has the right to use the Siemens brand name for 18 months and a combined brandname for five years, but its chairman Lee Kuen-yao told Focus magazine that from September onwards all phones will be branded as either BenQ Siemens or BenQ alone. It had originally been expected that BenQ would stick with the Siemens name longer in Europe and South America in a bid to cash in on brand recognition. Meanwhile, Der Spiegel claims that, despite assurances that it will not be changing manufacturing practices, the Taiwanese company is planning to make significant cuts in Siemens’ German workforce as early as 2006.

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